Your Simple Path To Enlightment.

Salem, india

Registered Address

+91 97891 65555

Support 9:00 AM to 9:00 PM

Mon - Fri: 10:00 - 18:00

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Bagavath Slider 3a

ஞானியரை வணங்குவது மட்டும் சிறப்பல்ல!
நீங்களே ஞானியாக மலர்வதுதான் சிறப்பு!

Terms & Conditions

Effective Date: 1st January 2023


These terms and conditions govern the collection, use, and protection of personal data provided by users accessing our website for mental well-being counseling services. By using our services and submitting personal information, you agree to comply with these terms and conditions.

1. Data Collection:

1.1. Types of Data: We may collect personal information, including but not limited to, your name, email address, phone number, date of birth, gender, and details related to your mental health and well-being.

1.2. Purpose: The data collected is used solely for the purpose of providing mental well-being counseling services, assessing your needs, and tailoring our services to meet your requirements.

2. Consent:

2.1. Voluntary Submission: Your decision to provide personal data is entirely voluntary. By using our services and submitting your information, you consent to the collection and processing of your data as outlined in these terms and conditions.

2.2. Withdrawal: You have the right to withdraw your consent at any time. To do so, please contact us using the information provided in these terms and conditions.

3. Data Usage:

3.1. Confidentiality: We treat your data with the utmost confidentiality. Information shared during counseling sessions will not be disclosed to third parties without your explicit consent, except where required by law.

3.2. Communication: We may use your contact information to communicate with you regarding appointments, session reminders, or other relevant matters related to your counseling.

4. Data Security:

4.1. Protection Measures: We employ reasonable security measures to protect your data from unauthorized access or breaches.

4.2. Data Breach: In the event of a data breach, we will promptly notify affected individuals and take necessary steps to mitigate any potential harm.

5. Data Sharing:

5.1. Third-Party Services: We may use third-party service providers for purposes such as appointment scheduling or payment processing. These providers are required to maintain data confidentiality and security.

6. Data Retention:

6.1. Retention Period: We will retain your personal data only for the duration necessary to provide counseling services or as required by applicable laws.

7. User Rights:

7.1. Access and Correction: You have the right to access, correct, or update your personal information at any time. To exercise these rights, please contact us.

8. Legal Compliance:

8.1. Compliance: We are committed to complying with all applicable data protection laws and regulations, including but not limited to the General Data Protection Regulation.

9.1. Updates: These terms and conditions may be updated periodically. Users will be notified of any significant changes, and the revised terms will be effective upon posting on our website.

10. Contact Information:

10.1. Contact Us: For questions, concerns, or to exercise your data rights, please contact us at [Contact Information].

By using our services, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agree to these terms and conditions for personal data collection.