Your Simple Path To Enlightment.

Salem, india

Registered Address

+91 97891 65555

Support 9:00 AM to 9:00 PM

Mon - Fri: 10:00 - 18:00

Online store always open

Bagavath Slider 3a


For individuals in search of personal guidance and solace, drawing from the profound wisdom of Sri Bagavath Ayya and our skilled counselors rooted in Indian philosophy and sacred texts such as Vedanta, Siddhanta, and the Upanishads, we extend a warm invitation to connect with us via Mobile or WhatsApp. Embark on your path towards enlightenment and emotional healing with a single message or call, as the embrace of wisdom eagerly awaits your journey.

Request Form

Hey there! We’d be more than happy to assist you. Just fill out the form below, and our counselors will get in touch with you as soon as they can via call or Whatsapp. We’ll work on a first come, first serve basis, and our usual counseling hours are from 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM. Don’t worry, we’ll get to you as soon as possible. Looking forward to hearing from you soon!

Terms & Conditions

Terms and Conditions for Personal Data Collection for Mental Well-Being Counseling

Effective Date: 1st Jan 2023

The terms and conditions outlined herein govern the collection, utilization, and safeguarding of personal data on our website, which provides mental well-being counseling services. By utilizing our services and submitting personal information, you express your consent to abide by these terms and conditions. We may collect various forms of personal data, including but not limited to your name, email address, phone number, date of birth, gender, and details related to your mental health. The primary purpose of gathering this information is to tailor our counseling services to your specific needs and provide you with effective support. Rest assured, your data is treated with the utmost confidentiality, and it will not be disclosed to third parties without your explicit consent, except where required by law. Our commitment to data security includes employing reasonable safeguards to protect against unauthorized access and promptly addressing any potential breaches. We may engage third-party service providers for specific functions, all of whom are required to uphold data confidentiality and security standards. Your data will only be retained for the necessary duration to provide counseling services or as mandated by relevant laws. You possess the right to access, correct, or update your personal information at any time, and we are dedicated to complying with all applicable data protection regulations. We reserve the right to update these terms and conditions periodically, with notice provided for significant changes. For inquiries, concerns, or to exercise your data rights, please contact us using the provided contact information. By using our services, you affirm that you have read, comprehended, and consent to these terms and conditions for personal data collection.


Counseling Team

Bagavath Ayya with Sarvanan Ayya & Jeevamani Ayya
Bagavath Ayya with Sarvanan Ayya & Jeevamani Ayya
Bagavath Ayya with Jeevamani Ayya & Anbukarasi Amma
Bagavath Ayya with Jeevamani Ayya & Anbukarasi Amma
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