Your Simple Path To Enlightment.

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Within this humble comprehension lies a harmonious fusion of the intricate and the simple. To accept oneself, as is, without longing for flawlessness or change, is the essence of enlightenment.

“I am not thinking…”
“The very thought summons the ‘I’.”
Once this truth is grasped, it unveils that thoughts and feelings arise spontaneously, beyond one’s control. No separate ‘I’ directs them. Actions of Self and Existence harmonize. The revelation that no distinct ‘I’ exists is the pristine truth of enlightenment.

In the absence of a perpetual “I” combating persistent feelings or thoughts, ‘World’ (Samsara) or ‘Ego’ cease to disrupt unblemished truth perception. They’re transient, without permanent essence.

When I realize my self-image is a dream, blurring the lines between dreams during sleep and thoughts awake is the “Dwij” (Twice Born), as Vedantas term it.

No disparity exists between yearning for enlightenment and pursuing worldly wealth or pleasures. The realm of perplexing philosophies and odd beliefs dissolves as I embrace my inner self.

The triad of conflict—’Truth’, ‘World’, and ‘I’—melds, merging into an eternal stream of unity.

Jaragu Malai


Shri Bagavath’s words on Awakening unveil an entirely fresh dimension for Truth Seekers. The Pravaagam Satsang, passionately driven by the essence of Ayya’s Enlightenment vision, seeks to keep it vivid and free from the confines of mere philosophy.

Our Satsang dedicates itself to the noble mission of creating and disseminating Ayya’s books and CDs at production cost. Our purpose is to guide both sanyasins and Truth-seekers back into the world, to pull them from the allure of renunciation and the anticipation of mystical experiences that may never come.

The core of Sat Sang is to warmly invite you to embrace the PRAVAAGAM, to dissolve into it without clinging to personal identity, without solidifying the self, and without perpetually seeking answers that the sorrows of life have ignited.

Sri Bagavath Ayya

In this humble understanding, the most intricate and the simplest truths unite. He isn’t just a saint who’s renounced everything; he’s a complete being who’s embraced the entirety of existence. His holistic approach to enlightenment serves as the definitive guide for those on the cusp of self-realization.

He unravels the enigma that the root of all suffering lies in the pursuit of ‘attainment,’ creating a psychological future that perpetuates an endless inner journey toward concepts like Moksha, liberation, or Awakening.

Though Ayya’s revelations may initially jolt seekers, they are, in fact, a gentle remedy for ‘Enlightenment,’ free of side effects. His insight, his ‘Dharshan,’ reveals that the ‘World’ and ‘Truth’ are not distinct entities but rather akin to ‘Waves’ within the ‘Ocean’ of existence. When the mind fully accepts its fluctuations without resistance, the inner current becomes an everlasting flood.

Enlightenment isn’t an experience or an achievement. The moment we cease all internal efforts to grasp or push away feelings, freedom dawns. It’s a freedom devoid of all images and metaphors. There’s no enduring persona to counter the emergence of thoughts or feelings. This is the ‘Essence of Upanishads’ or ‘Neo Upanishad.

Bagavath Ayya